Sigurd Skirbekks Hjemmeside

Sigurd Skirbekks Hjemmeside

Articles on Family Sociology
Family Ideology as an Approach to Understanding Conflicts between Eastern and Western Civilization (University of Warzaw, The Polish Government and UNESCO April 23–26, 2003)

Reflections upon some data on Swedish family policy

(Presentation at the National Conference in Sociology, Røros, Norway 1993)
Family structure and functionality

(Transscript from chapter 6 in S. Skirbekk (2000): The New Liberal Ideology. ISS, University of Oslo.)
I - A weakened marriage I I - The Swedish Case III- The family and unavoidable functions IV - The difference between marriage and cohabitation V - Have women gained by these changes? VI - Market norms and bureaucratic norms VII - Functionality and fruitfulness


Dialogue as a bridge Al Jazeera nett, spring 2006 - Arabic version